
Western Australia

A scalable and portable solution for a fast growing company

The Client HiSeis is an Australian company specialising in cost effective, high-definition Seismic Reflection Techniques using the latest Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) Technology and custom designed 2D and 3D Seismic Survey methods. HiSeis is the commercial partner for the Centre for High-Definition Geophysics (CHDG), which resides at Curtin University.

There are few environments the CHDG has not operated in. Whilst the value of individual projects cannot be stated due to contractual obligations, the CHDG within Curtin has garnered financial support for projects valued at approximately 4 Million Euros in its two to three years of operation. 

The projects completed for clients and sponsors of the CHDG represent about two thirds of the CHDG’s acquisition activity over the last three years, with projects becoming larger as our capacity has increased.

Due to increased demand, Curtin University has taken the step to commercialise the activities of the non research or operational portions of the CHDG. This resulted in the formation of HiSeis Pty Ltd. HiSeis brings together the technical, operational and industry expertise of staff from Curtin University, Geophysical Technicians and an experienced Explorationist.

modular data centre

The Environment

As a result of the growth of the company and the subsequent growth of the amount of data collected, HiSeis was in need of a larger and more effective data storage option. In order to keep up with the growth experienced coupled with the fact that the company computers were struggling to cope with the increased amount of data, HiSeis needed to re-evaluate its data storage options. 

Historically, HiSeis stored all data collected on the hard drives of their company computers. After evaluating how data is stored within the company, HiSeis realised due to the growth experienced in recent years a more effective method of storing data was needed.

HiSeis ultimately would like to be able to store data securely and quickly as well as have the option to move to a larger office space without having to be concerned about whether or not there is a suitable data centre facility within the area.

HiSeis had previously considered using an offsite data centre however they were concerned about line speed, distance to data centre and the rental options available close to the data centre. HiSeis found that being able to store data quickly efficiently and securely as well as have the option to rent any premises they chose without restrictions was paramount.

The Challenge

  1. Increasing HiSeis’ data storage capacity to meet the growing demands of the business.
  2. Ensure the solution would allow HiSeis to relocate when necessary with ease.
  3. Allow for further growth and ensure an increase in data later on will be accommodated.

The Zella DC team quickly assessed Hiseis’ requirements using Zella DC’s environmental assessment questionnaire. The environmental assessment questionnaire ensures all aspects of the client’s requirements are considered so that the best solution is implemented. Once completed Zella DC recommended a Zella Pro 25 as the most appropriate solution.

The Zella Pro 25 is a single cooling micro data centre which is small enough to fit into HiSeis’ current office space and is big enough to accommodate their current infrastructure needs. Once HiSeis’ needs grow another Zella Pro can be added and modulated if desired. Not only is Hiseis able to have their data storage infrastructure onsite but they are now able to move to another location and take their storage facility with them. HiSeis is no longer restricted to rent or buy the premises they need.
hiseis post

The Outcome

  1. Increasing HiSeis’ data storage capacity to meet the growing demands of the business.
  2. HiSeis is now able to relocate to a premises of their own choice wherever they want without restrictions due to data centre facility requirements.
  3. Allowed for further growth later on with the easy addition of another Zella Pro either to stand next to the current one or operate independent of each other.

By using Zella DC’s expertise and environmental assessment tool, HiSeis was able to quickly determine which solution would be the best. Zella DC was able to meet all their needs in a very short time which meant HiSeis had a solution within 5 weeks of making their decision. Once their Zella Pro arrived HiSeis had a fully functioning micro data center within hours of delivery.

“The challenge HiSeis experienced is a typical issue for small to medium businesses who are experiencing rapid growth and an increase in data flow”

Clinton Keeler, CTO and Co-founder Zella DC



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